Abstract: | Turkish and Korean share the morphological feature of having only suffixation in derivation. Partial reduplications, however, appear to contradict this typological generalization: partial prefixal reduplication has been claimed to exist in both languages, even though such prefixation is not standard in agglutinative languages. In this paper I reexamine these exceptional cases under the assumption that they are reductions from full reduplications. Independent arguments for this analysis are presented with examples of similar reduction in nonreduplicative compounds. In Korean, for example, this morphological reduction is analyzed from the overall perspective of compound reduction of the type, waksikɨl<*wakɨl-sikɨl 'swarming'. In Turkish, on the other hand, the initial stress placement in some of the so-called irregular reduplications suggests their compound origin. Possible analyses under recent reduplication frameworks, i.e. Correspondence Theory of McCarthy & Prince (1995) and Morphological Doubling Theory of Inkelas and Zoll (2005), are also presented, with their theoretical implications compared in the concluding remark.