ROA: | 126 |
Title: | Vowel/Glide Alternation in a Theory of Constraint Interaction |
Authors: | Samuel Rosenthall |
Comment: | 240 pages |
Length: | 40 |
Abstract: | Vowel/Glide Alternation in a Theory of Constraint Interaction (Ph.D Dissertation, UMass, Amherst. September 1994) Samuel Rosenthall Ohio State University This dissertation examines the distribution of high vowels and glides using Prince and Smolensky's Optimality Theory, which proposes that phonological constraints are violable and hierarchically ranked. The distribution of high vowels and glides is shown to be a consequence of simultaneously comparing moraic and nonmoraic syllabifications of high vowels for satisfaction of phonological constraints. In brief, a high vowel surfaces when the moraic parse best satisfies the constraints and a glide surfaces when the nonmoraic parse best satisfies the constraints. This dissertation investigates three main phenomena associated with the distribution of high vowels and glides. First, it treats the syllabification of vowel sequences in a number of languages with only surface monophthongal vowels. In Etsako, Luganda, Kimatuumbi, and Ilokano, high vocoids are syllabified as vowels when followed by a consonant, but there are syllabified as their nonmoraic counterparts when followed by another vowel. Furthermore, the syllabification of nonhigh vowels varies across these languages. The syllabification of vowel sequences is shown to follow from the interaction of syllable structure constraints that ensure the surface vowel is a monophthong. The interlinguistic variation in syllabification is shown to follow from different rankings of the same set of syllable structure constraints. Second, stress can influence the distribution of high vowels. In Lenakel and Spanish, the generalization is that a high vocoid adjacent to a nonhigh vowel is a vowel when stressed otherwise it is a glide. This generalization implies that stress placement must be known prior to syllabification, which is problematic in procedural approaches to constituent construction, where syllabification must precede metrification. In the Optimality-Theoretic approach, the distribution of high vowels is determined by simultaneously best satisfying the metrical and the syllable structure constraints. Third, the distribution of high vowels and glides cannot always be attributed to an alternation between underlying vowels and glides. In a language like Berber, glides must be present underlyingly, and these underlying glides can alternate with high vowels. This is often called glide vocalization. The alternation between underlying glides and high vowels in Berber is also shown to be the result of constraint interaction. In this case, moraic and nonmoraic syllabifications of the underlying glide are compared for constraint satisfaction. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.....................................................v 1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................1 1.1 Overview.....................................................1 1.2 The Vowel/Glide Alternation..................................2 1.3 Optimality Theory............................................8 1.4 Syllable Structure Constraints..............................13 1.5 Underlying Representations..................................24 2. SURFACE PATTERNS OF UNDERLYING VOWEL SEQUENCES..................31 2.1 Introduction................................................31 2.2 Etsako......................................................32 2.2.1 The Distribution of Nonmoraic Vocoids...................33 2.2.2 Vowel Elision...........................................41 2.3 Yoruba......................................................49 2.3.1 /i/ and Elision.........................................51 2.4 Luganda.....................................................54 2.4.1 Luganda Syllable Structure..............................55 2.4.2 Vowel Elision...........................................56 2.4.3 High Vocoids and Vowel Length...........................63 2.4.4 High Vocoids and Short Vowels...........................65 2.4.5 Vowel Length and Prenasalization........................70 2.4.6 Previous Analyses of Luganda............................78 2.5 Kimatuumbi..................................................83 2.5.1 Sequences with a Nonhigh Vowel..........................83 2.5.2 The Distribution of Nonmoraic Vocoids...................85 2.5.3 Glides as Onsets........................................89 2.6 Ilokano.....................................................93 2.6.1 Ilokano Syllable Structure..............................93 2.6.2 Vowel Sequences in Ilokano..............................94 2.6.3 Nonmoraic Vocoids and Geminates.........................97 2.7 Conclusion.................................................104 3. METRICAL INFLUENCES ON SYLLABIFICATION.........................108 3.1 Introduction...............................................108 3.2 Lenakel....................................................109 3.2.1 Lenakel Syllable Structure.............................110 3.2.2 Lenakel Stress.........................................115 3.2.3 Metrification and Syllabification......................117 3.2.4 Postvocalic High Vocoids...............................122 3.2.5 Underlying Glides......................................129 The Phoneme /v/....................................131 3.2.6 Previous Work On Lenakel...............................132 3.3 Spanish....................................................133 3.3.1 Spanish Syllable Structure.............................135 3.3.2 Spanish Metrical Structure.............................144 Previous Analyses of Spanish Stress................150 3.3.3 Stress and Syllabification.............................151 The Penultimate Position...........................152 Postvocalic High Vocoids.......................152 Prevocalic High Vocoids........................155 The Final Position.................................161 Prevocalic Vocoids.............................161 Postvocalic Vocoids............................164 The Antepenultimate Position.......................166 3.4 Intervocalic Glides........................................171 3.5 Evidence for Phonemic Glides...............................173 3.6 Conclusion.................................................176 4. OTHER SOURCES OF GLIDES........................................178 4.1 Introduction...............................................178 4.2 Homorganic Glides and Epenthetic Consonants................178 4.2.1 Other Examples of Homorganic Glide Distribution........190 4.3 Consonantal Glides.........................................203 4.3.1 Ilokano Diphthongs.....................................204 4.3.2 Ponapean Reduplication.................................207 4.4 Glide Vocalization.........................................211 4.4.1 Vocoid Distribution in Ait Segrouchen Berber...........212 4.4.2 Vocalized Glides and Epenthesis in Kabyle and Ath-Sidhar Rifian.......................219 4.4.3 Vocalized Glides and Vocalized Consonants in Imdlawn Tashlhiyt..................................233 4.5 Conclusion.................................................236 4.6 Concluding Remarks.........................................237 REFERENCES.........................................................238 |
Type: | Dissertation |
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Article: | Version 1 |