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Title:Palatalisation Across the Italian Lexicon
Authors:Sam Steddy
Abstract:I present an analysis of the different applications of palatalisation in Italian. The major part of the study argues that patterns of under-, over-, and normal palatalisation in the three verb families of Italian are governed by a single stress-sensitive base-to-derivative constraint (Kager 2000). This constraint requires correspondence with stressed [+/- STRIDENT] segments of a verb's infinitive. Misapplication of palatalisation is found in verbs whose infinitives stress the theme vowel, and thus the stem-final velar, whose form is then carried over in inflection. Normal palatalisation only arises in the class of verbs whose infinitives assign stress to the verb stem, and not the infinitive suffix. The paper then addresses the question of how the base form is selected, identifying the infinitive as the most morpho-phonologically informative member of the inflectional paradigm (Albright 2002). Comparison is then made to palatalisation in Italian nouns and adjectives (Giavazzi 2012). While palatalisation in these two domains is similarly governed by stress-related constraints, verbs are argued to be subject to a separate and stronger rule of palatalisation. Exceptions to this rule are exclusively derived verbs, which resist palatalisation because of a more general output-to-output constraint which applies in derivation.
Type:Paper/tech report
Area/Keywords:Italian, Morpho-phonology, Output-to-output phonology, Category-specific phonology
Article:Version 3
Version 2
Version 1