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Title:Derived Environment Effects in OT
Authors:Anna Lubowicz
Comment:40 pages. Word and RTF files require SIL IPA fonts
Abstract:Derived Environment Effects in OT

Anna Lubowicz

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

The theory of Lexical Phonology, by means of the Strict Cycle

Condition (SCC), limits cyclic rule application to derived

environments which are created by either morpheme concatenation

or prior rule application (Mascaro 1976, Kiparsky 1982a). This

paper shows how these derived environment effects can be understood

within the Optimality Theory framework.

In my proposal I make use of the mechanism of Local Conjunction

(LC) in the sense of Smolensky (1993, 1995). The basic idea is

that an otherwise low-ranked markedness constraint is activated

by a faithfulness constraint with which it is locally conjoined.

The predictions made by the LC account of derived environment

effects differ significantly from the standard SCC, but show

interesting similarities with the Underspecification model of

Kiparsky (1993).
Type:Paper/tech report
Article:Version 1