ROA: | 334 |
Title: | Stress, epenthesis, and segment transformation in Selayarese loans |
Authors: | Ellen Broselow |
Comment: | |
Length: | 15 |
Abstract: | Stress, epenthesis, and segment transformation in Selayarese loans Ellen Broselow State University of New York at Stony Brook The transformation of words borrowed from Bahasa Indonesia into Selayarese, a Makassar language of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, can be accounted for by a set of well motivated constraints. In this paper (to appear in BLS 25), I consider whether the rankings required by the loanword phonology are motivated by the native language data and if not, whether they correspond to default, initial-state rankings. I discuss two aspects of loan phonology. First, I show that the complex pattern of stress-epenthesis interaction follows from an analysis in which inclusion of epenthetic vowels in the main stress foot is avoided where possible (as proposed in Alderete, to appear). Second, I consider the treatment of borrowed words with illegal Selayarese codas. Most illegal codas are transformed into a legal Selayarese coda segment, but /r,l,s/ are transformed into onsets by epenthesis of a following vowel. The analysis proposed here, reminiscent of the familiar notion of phoneme substitution, is that illegal coda segments are realized as the 'closest' native language segment that is acceptable in coda position. For /r,l,s/, the lack of a sufficiently close correspondent (where closeness is defined in terms of ranking of IDENT constraints) makes segment transformation unacceptable, leaving vowel epenthesis as the optimal strategy for adapting final /r,l,s/ to the Selayarese coda requirements. This analysis accounts not only for the loanword data but also for paradigm gaps-namely, the fact that the native language vocabulary contains roots that end in /r,l,s/ but in no other illegal codas. I argue that this analysis of paradigm gaps is superior to the analysis of similar paradigm gaps offered by McCarthy (to appear) as a result of the blocking of vowel epenthesis by non-transparent consonants. |
Type: | Paper/tech report |
Area/Keywords: | |
Article: | Version 1 |