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Title:Metrical and Prosodic Structure in Optimality Theory
Authors:Brett Hyde
Abstract:This dissertation examines four components of a theory of metrical
stress-- the prosodic hierarchy, the system of prosodic prominence, the
metrical grid, and the slope category system-- and investigates how
Optimality Theoretic constraints restrict or facilitate interaction
between them. The proposal is comprehensive in that it examines each of
the basic types of stress alternation? binary, ternary, and unbounded?
both in weight-sensitive and weight-insensitive systems. The proposal?s
focus, however, is the discrepancy between the wide range of binary
patterns that standard accounts predict and the much smaller range of
patterns that are actually attested. Of particular concern is the
standard account?s over-generation of iambic patterns. In pursuit of
greater restrictiveness, the proposed approach departs from the
structural assumptions of current approaches in several ways. The
proposed account insists on strict succession (or exhaustive parsing),
tolerates improper bracketing, makes violable the foot-stress
relationship, and allows prosodic categories to share entries on the
metrical grid. The proposal also departs from the standard account in
the division of labor between symmetrical constraints, such as
Alignment, and asymmetrical constraints, such as NonFinality. Although
Alignment still figures prominently in the proposed account, constraints
like NonFinality play a more central role in establishing basic
typologies. Given the structural assumptions, this shift in emphasis
results in a different, and much smaller, range of predicted patterns.
Article:Part 1
Part 2