Errata, Addenda, Etc. for A Thematic Guide to Optimality Theory

Last update: September 9, 2002


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Further suggestions or requests for addenda are welcome.


Thanks to Chris Cooper, Eric Holt, Helen Stickney, Bernard Tranel, and especially Jin-hyung Kim for identifying some of these mistakes.

Significant Errata

The printers messed up some tableaux. There are several other important errors as well.

P. 24, tableau (10). The constraints DEP and ONSET are reversed. The tableau should show ONSET >> DEP.

/apata/ ONSET DEP Remarks
a. <hand> ?apata   * Epenthesis
b.         apata *   Faithful

P. 25, tableau (12b).
The constraints DEP and ONSET are reversed. The tableau should show DEP >> ONSET.

/apata/ DEP ONSET MAX Remarks
i. <hand> pata     * Deletion
ii.       apata   *   Faithful
iii.      ?apata *     Epenthesis

P. 27, tableau (13b).
In the column headed by the constraint MAX, there should be no * in row (i). In the column headed ONSET, there should be two *'s in row (i), one * in row (ii), and one * in row (iii). Furthermore, the word "Faithful" should appear in the column headed "Remarks".

/aórta/ CM MAX ONSET DEP Remarks
i.  <hand> a.ór.ta     **   Faithful
ii.        a.?ór.ta     * * Epenthesis
iii.       ór.ta   * *   Deletion


P. 73, (8). Delete the line between FRT/*RND and IDENT(back). Insert a line between FRT/*RND and IDENT(round).

P. 73, lines 8-9 below (8). "That is the case with FRT/*RND and all other constaints except IDENT(back)." -> "That is the case with FRT/*RND and FRONT."

P. 85, 3rd line above (19). "The first condition (1a) says that " -> "Condition (1b) says that".

P. 86, 5th line from top. "Another of the prerequisites for an unfaithful mapping, (1b), says that" -> "Another of the prerequisites for an unfaithful mapping, (1c), says that"

P. 86, 4th line below (20). "The remaining ranking prerequisite, (1c), says that" -> "The remaining ranking prerequisite, (1d), says that"

P. 88, tableau (24b). The input in the upper left corner of the tableau should be /bãta/, as it is on the preceding line.

P. 94, 3rd line above (30). "see (1c)" -> "see (1d)"

P. 99, tableau (34c) (at top of page). In column headed MAXInit, in row (iii) insert "L". In row (ii), in column headed "Description of failed candidate", replace "V2 deletes" with "V1 deletes".

/…ku]Lex [Fnc a… / ONSET MAXLex IDENT MAXInit MAX Description of failed candidate
i. …ku… ~ …kwa…     W L L V1 -> glide.
ii. …ku… ~ …ka…       W   V1 deletes.
iii. …ku… ~ …ku.a… W     L L Faithful

P. 103, line 8.
"and then changes A into B" -> "and then C (erstwhile /A/) changes into B".

P. 118, tableau (54c). In the candidate in row (i), replace "1st" with "2nd".

P. 145, line 6 below (77). "while rejecting both unassimilated win-winni and unassimilated wim-winni" -> "while rejecting both unassimilated win-winni and assimilated wim-winni".

P. 150, 2nd line below (81). "is shown by the parentheses in (80)" -> "is shown by the parentheses in (81)".

P. 151, heading of tableau (83b). "Long vowel in even syllable" "Long vowel in odd syllable"

P. 205, line 14 from bottom. "come up with any kind of partial order (like (8) in" -> "come up with any kind of partial order."

P. 244, lines 12-10 from bottom. "(That is, any markedness violation incurred by baba is also incurred only by emasculate or else is dominated by a markedness violation incurred only by emasculate.)" -> "(That is, any markedness violation incurred by baba is also incurred by emasculate or else is dominated by a markedness violation incurred by emasculate.)" (i.e., delete only, twice)

Insignificant Errata

These are minor mistakes caused by typographical or copy-editing problems. They are included here for completeness but do not affect the sense of the text.

P. 36, 6 lines below (20). Add angma (the velar nasal) between y and k in *ykomati.

P. 47, note 33, line 6. Double-quote symbol after N should be double prime symbol.

P. 50, 5th line of quotation. Glottal stop should be in italics.

P. 54, line 16. "Kisseberth's model (1970a)" -> "Kissberth's (1970a) model"

P. 67, line immediately above (1). "mapping to occur, include all" -> delete comma.

P. 75, 7 lines above (10). "Alignment constraint (section 1.2.2.)" -> "Alignment constraint (section 1.2.2)." (i.e., transpose period/full-stop and right parenthesis.)

Pp. 203-4, tableaux (5), (6). To upper left cell, add input /iN-koma-i/.

P. 211, line 12. Delete first hyphen from Diyari word.

P. 226, 3rd line below (13). "MINDIST" should be in small caps, like other constraint names.

P. 240, line 13 from bottom. Section "1.44" should be section "1.4.4".

P. 241, line 9 from top. "principle that is virtually never satisfied" -> "a principle that is virtually never satisfied".


These are phrases that would benefit from being reworded. S

P. 36, 4 lines above section 1.4.3. "the diversity of ways that a constraint could in principle be satisfied" -> "the diversity of ways that a markedness constraint could in principle be satisfied".

P. 40, line 11 from top. "Think of a constraint as a function that assigns a set of violation-marks" -> "Think of a constraint as a function that assigns violation-marks".

P. 51, line 6 from bottom. "but because it does not work out the details" -> "but because the details were never worked out".

P. 57, lines 5-6 below (2). "which mark some of them as ill formed" -> "which may mark some of them as ill formed".

P. 67, first two paragraphs of section 3.1.1. Replace "abc" with "a" and "adc" with "b", to conform with (1).

P. 86, first line of last paragraph. "To sum up the essence of complementary distribution:" -> "To sum up, the essence of complementary distribution is this:"

P. 98, line 2. "so glide formation is permitted by" -> "so glide formation is consistent with".

P. 113, tableau (46). The pointing hand isn't really appropriate in this tableau, since it's intended to show that the [ba] output is unattainable with these constraints.

P. 125, 2 lines above (61). The constraint name EXH(PPh) stands for "the phonological phrase is exhaustively parsed into PWd's".

P. 147, lines 11-10 from bottom. "Standard English takes the latter option, though my own most casual register favors the former." -> "Standard English takes the promotion option, though my own most casual register favors encliticization."

Pp. 151-2. The terms "global", "globality", and "globalizing" are used in the discussion of Yidiny. "Remote" would be a better choice, since this example is not global in the sense employed in section

P. 166, tableau (98). This tableau has no pointing hand because it is intended to show that the desired output (98c) cannot be obtained.

P. 204, first bullet, lines 3-4. "every" and "some" should be italicized.